FLOAT.F5904761.WMO = '5904761'; FLOAT.F5904761.OperatorFLID = '9660'; FLOAT.F5904761.Operators = 'UW'; FLOAT.F5904761.OperatorMetaln = '6616_9660.meta'; FLOAT.F5904761.status = {'D','0'}; % D 2021-03-11; MPD stuck_surf 2019-12-03 FLOAT.F5904761.launchDATE = '20160517'; FLOAT.F5904761.launchTIME = '1235'; FLOAT.F5904761.launchLAT = '-51.9250'; FLOAT.F5904761.launchLON = '-169.9117'; FLOAT.F5904761.Ftype = 'Apex'; FLOAT.F5904761.sensors = 'ONpF'; % NoFlowCell?? what does that mean % guessing FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_pressure = {'DRUCK','2900_PSIA','4669408'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_temperature = {'SBE','SBE41CP','7186'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_conductivity = {'SBE','SBE41CP','7186'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_oxygen = {'Aanderaa','4330','1863'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_nitrate = {'MBARI','ISUS','0725'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_pH = {'MBARI','DURA','0725'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_fluorometer = {'WetL','FLBB','3807'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_fluoroCHLA = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_fluoroBBP700 = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5904761.sensor_cdom = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5904761.ship = 'Investigator'; FLOAT.F5904761.CRID = 'P15S'; FLOAT.F5904761.comment = '-999'; FLOAT.F5904761.EXPOCODE = '096U20160426'; FLOAT.F5904761.ctdFNAME = '-999'; FLOAT.F5904761.botFNAME = '-999'; FLOAT.F5904761.STNNBR = '31'; FLOAT.F5904761.CASTNO = '1'; FLOAT.F5904761.ctdDATE = '20160517'; % from prelim ctd FLOAT.F5904761.ctdTIME = '0806'; % from prelim ctd FLOAT.F5904761.ctdLAT = '-52.0024'; % from prelim ctd FLOAT.F5904761.ctdLON = '-170.0763'; % from prelim ctd FLOAT.F5904761.NOTES = {'2016-05-17:pH: bottom of float hit side of ship on deployment, no external sensors were involved.',... '2018-04-03:pH: pH data set is being recalibrated. pH sensor is not shielded from light and the data are being adjusted (affects top 50 m).',... '2018-04-04:pH: The pH sensor on float 9660 (WMO 5904761) is not within the pumped flow path and is exposed to ambient light which affects the sensor response. This results in artificially high pH values for surface samples (<50m) in daytime profiles (by a magnitude of 0.01 pH units on average for affected samples, and up to 0.1 for some samples). This data has now been corrected in the *QC.TXT files using diagnostic data returned from the pH sensor. Be aware that files downloaded before today (4/4/2018) will not have this correction. A special note now exists within the header of each *QC.TXT file stating the issue and associated correction method. Raw files have not been modified.
pH_new = pH_old + (Ib - Ibo) * 1.488e6.
Ib = base current
Ibo = median base current between 70-120 meters',... '2019-12-03:buoy: Stuck at surface, bouyancy issue',... '2020-05-20:pH:pH sensor dead since cycle 100',... '2020-05-20:buoy: profiles 124-128 are sparse with pressures < 80dbar; Battery looks OK'}; FLOAT.F5904761.Adopt = {}; %% FLOAT.F5904761.CCHDOln = 'https://cchdo.ucsd.edu/cruise/096U20160426'; FLOAT.F5904761.EuroArgoln = 'http://fleetmonitoring.euro-argo.eu/float/5904761';